About Us
Our Mission
Working for the Customer
In today's complex field of cleaning supplies, we must provide safe and environmentally friendly products. They must be cost effective ... and they must perform. However, we realize in today's market a good product will only gain admission to the competition.
A quotation from the auto pioneer, Henry Ford reminds us:
"It isn't the employer who pays our wages - he only handles the money. It is the customer who pays."
With this in mind, the employees of Southern Maintenance Supply Co. recognize that our customers are looking for a partner who understands their business, their specific needs and their special problems. They're looking for a supplier who can give them technical support when they run into an unusual problem.
Our goal is to help the customer cut operating costs, boost employee productivity, enhance safety, promote product economy, add flexibility and comply with new regulations ... among other things. At Southern Maintenance Supply Co. the employees are dedicated 100% to customer service. I can say with pride that none of our employees work for Southern Maintenance Supply Co. - the work for you, our customer!